RRHC offers people who have been affected by harm or crime an opportunity to address the offence through a voluntary dialogue process. With the help of trained facilitators and a flexible process that is responsive to individual needs, participants are enabled to discuss the incident and its impacts.
This is an opportunity for those who have been harmed to express their needs and to have a say in how the person who caused them harm can demonstrate accountability. Participation in RRHC requires that the accused individual is ready to accept responsibility for the actions that led to a charge and to meet with facilitators to discuss the harm caused.
In addition, whether in a direct meeting or in some other manner, the accused person is asked to communicate with the person(s) impacted regarding the incident, its impacts, and how they might make amends and address the harm they caused (examples can include apologizing, paying restitution, or addressing the underlying cause for the harmful behaviour). Full participation on the part of an accused person may have a positive impact on the outcome of the matter in court.
Interested parties can inquire regarding participation in RRHC by contacting our Service Coordinators or by talking to the justice system official connected to their case (Victim Services, the Crown Attorney’s office, police, their lawyer or Duty Counsel, or their probation officer).
Please follow this link https://why-me.org/tamis-story/ to learn about the experiences of one of our participants as shared with Why Me?, a United Kingdom charity that delivers and promotes restorative justice.
To learn more, please contact our Service Coordinators at 519-744-6549 ext 250 or rrhc@cjiwr.com.
519.744.6549 x 255
519-744-6549 x 250
519.744.6549 x 250
“I felt a lot better about myself after the mediation. Being able to talk to the other party made me aware about how the incident affected them. It made me realize I would not want to re-offend”
During our 40+ year history, we have continuously responded to community needs by creatively, and innovatively applying restorative justice principles to new problems. We believe the only limit to the power of restorative justice is the capacity of the human heart to change and grow.