Stride’s statement on COVID-19

In light of the ever-increasing risks presented by COVID-19, Stride supports the release of low-risk prisoners to the community. We know that there are significant challenges associated with the reintegration […]

Being a Social in a Time of Isolation

I am an introvert and you may think this time of isolation is an introvert’s paradise, and yet I crave human contact. This is true regardless of the fact that […]

Family Centered Programs

At CJI, we offer a number of programs that adapt the principles of restorative practices to work with families experiencing conflict and/or change; this group of programs is known as […]

Visiting the Inside

“A person is a person through other persons; you can’t be human in isolation; you are only human in relationships.” – Rev. Desmond Tutu I first meet the Stride volunteers […]

The reKINdle Project

On a beautiful October afternoon, a group of community partners, supporters along with residents and staff of the Village of Winston Park gathered to recognize the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Support […]