CJI membership

Become a CJI member

Help us create a more just community—become a CJI member.

Members donate at least $100 each year. They have the privilege of voting at our Annual General Meeting and the satisfaction of knowing they are making a difference.

Why become a member?

Your membership fee makes possible:

  • Peaceful co-existence among family members, coworkers, classmates, and neighbours
  • Accountability, restitution and harm repaired in situations of crime
  • Positive reintegration of folks in prison
  • Safer dialogue among people impacted by sexual harm
  • Older adults supported to connect to community
  • And so much more!

You enable CJI to keep innovatively applying restorative justice to solve community problems.

CJI equips individuals & communities to repair relationships & create restorative systems

Your contribution
makes a difference!