Reflecting on Language Through a Restorative Lens

As a person makes their way through the criminal justice system after committing an offence, it becomes increasingly challenging for society to separate the offence from the person. While it […]
Restorative Approaches to Sexual Harm

Recently, in both social media and through our own personal connections, it seems as though more and more people are sharing their experiences of sexual harm. As a community, we […]
Fresh Start Creations: More than just a card

White glue, mat board, tissue paper, printed images, paintbrushes, hair dryers, hot glue guns. Alone, these items are average however, once together, these items become extraordinary. This transformation happens at […]
5 Tips to Help Teens Navigate High School Conflict

Do you remember your transition to high school? The school was much bigger than your elementary school; you went from a student population of 450 to 1500. Just a few […]
Diversity, Justice, and Community

Diversity, Justice, and Community: The Canadian Context Stride is discussed in Diversity, Justice, and Community: The Canadian Context by Beverly-Jean Daniel. Available At Amazon